How to Maximise Your Boot Space

With the events of the last few years, many of us are eager to go travelling again and reacquaint ourselves with days out and holidaying. You might have big ambitions for your next vacation, but can your car boot handle the expectations you put on it?

We’ll be giving you some helpful advice on how to get the most out of – and into – your car boot, ready for your next adventure. No matter the size of the car, there’s always a way to squeeze more out of the luggage space than you might think.

Learn the packing basics

Let’s start from the beginning with some helpful go-tos. First of all, don’t forget to tidy your boot beforehand. Get rid of any rubbish or extraneous things that you won’t need for your trip, and try and get everything else (like first aid kits or emergency tools) into a sensible position before you pack anything.

After this, pack your biggest pieces of luggage first, to fully maximise the use of your space. From there, you can fill any gaps you might have with smaller bits and pieces, filling out the space like a game of Tetris. Bags and cases that you’ll need quicker access to should go on top of the load, but not so high that it blocks the view out of the rear window.

With those basics touched upon, let’s dig into some useful hacks…

Add storage to your boot

There’s so much space in your boot that so often goes unused, especially in everyday use. Look at the space you can potentially utilise: the walls of your boot and even the windows. There are products that can make the most of any size boot.

Simple suction cup hooks can be stuck to side window and be used to hang bags of all kinds, saving floor space. Similarly, car boot nets are a great way to pack loose items tightly out of the way and are easy to install. One particularly cleverly involves using book ends to keep cylindrical objects – rolled-up towels, carboard tubes, etc – from rolling around the boot.

Collapsible units

We understand your trepidation if you’re concerned about taking up all your boot space with storage units, but there is a way of having both: the flexibility of collapsible storage.

Boxes and tubs that can flatten when not in use are a great addition to a boot that sees a lot of loose luggage. They can be useful for quickly storing smaller items without having to clean up the boot after they’ve inevitably moved everywhere during a drive. Hard plastic foldable containers can be especially useful for mucky items too, like shoes or towels. Just pop up the box and throw them in – no need to worry about scrubbing the boot clean!

Of course, the moment you need to carry something larger or more awkwardly shaped, back down the unit goes and you’ve got the whole boot floor to use. They’re there when you need them most and disappear afterwards.

Softer luggage

If you’re about to pack your boot to the brim, consider the materials of your luggage is made of. Hard suitcases and boxes could be limiting how much you can pack into the back of your car, as a little give could mean a fuller boot.

Think about your luggage needs and consider whether a softer substitution could be made. Maybe your carry-on case be swapped for a duffle bag or a backpack—something that can be squeeze into free boot space. In a similar vein, vacuum packing clothes is one of the ultimate packing solutions, with the ability to flatten a suitcase worth of clothes into a slim parcel. You’ll be surprised how much more you can fit into a boot when there’s no air taking up precious space.

Use the rest of the car

This is slightly cheating, but one way to leave more boot space is to simply use the rest of your car as storage! You have your glovebox and footwells to fill up, as well as any spare seats that aren’t folded down. Just remember not to block any view of the rear windows and wing mirrors in order to stay safe.

Some cars also have another space ripe to provide extra storage: the roof. If your car is able, adding a roof box can give you a lot of extra space to play with – they can essentially double the boot space of smaller cars. Many retailers will help install them too, so all you have to worry about is all the extra luggage you can now pack on your next trip.

MSG Summary

Are you looking for a bigger boot? If you’ve worked for the emergency services, in teaching or for HM prisons you could get amazing deals on new, used and leased cars.